Monday 2 August 2010

Sugar Water Purple

Another new to me CD- I've had a quick search on my reader and I can't find a reference to it featuring on a media show.... ??? I think my search engine must be faulty

I'm pretty sure someone has spotted this like months and months ago... ???

My god blogging is like Solitaire-the loneliest game in town....

You know I'll never get any props for this blog...same as it ever was.....If only I had a Condenser microphone -Carl would be begging me for a show-then perhaps I'd be more up on this stuff


  1. Yes John funny one this I downloaded 3 or 4 tracks from it on initial hearing a month or so ago Its good but nothing that jumps at me cant put me finger on why though,but cant really understand why it hasnt got plays..thats the strange world of modern soul


  2. Yeah - give the man his own show - a blend of cutting sarcasm and cool music! You know it makes sense!

  3. Who is Carl and what is he to you?
