Monday 2 August 2010

C.E.L.-Deluxxe Organic

From RLSLOG...

C4 brings new album from C.E.L. Her style is a careful blend of rhythm, melody, harmony, R&B, Soul and Hip-Hop that when mixed together gives birth to a heavenly sound. She is creatively mixed Hip-Hop music, Soul & R&B so that her sound spreads across generations. Creating songs where families can listen to a CD together and all get equal pleasure and enjoyment. “People talk about [R&B and Hip Hop, but] CEL lives it!” DELUXXE ORGANIC is a CEL’s sophomore release. After listening to her first single “BEAUTIFUL”, you can’t help but wonder how far this soultress will go. In a time when everyone tries to put an artist into a category CEL defines all odds by being a Hip-Hop, Soul, and R&B singer.

I wouldn't go that far.....basically it's a bit on the naf side-still I imagine some might pick up on it....

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